Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Ullja the frauds Fraud Blog

Ok, so now I'm really ticked at this fraudulent fraud investigator. The gloves are off. She is out of control and out of hand to the point it's nauseating. Where is the funny white coat and padded room when you need one? She needs to go to a calm. peaceful place and, with the help of some serious medication, find some peace and tranquility.

She has wrongly named more victims in that fraud blog of hers, besides the reputable sellers she has already slandered. She has make calls to state tax agencies, local tax assesor's and who knows who else she has called-everybody except a head doctor. Ullja is majorly delusional. She thinks that all these state and federal officials are going to jump when she screams fraud without proof.

She purchased fron one seller-who had the selling venue cancel the sale instantly-and then contacted the seller's state tax office and reported the seller for not paying sales tax on the canceled sale. Well, DUH, Ullja, you don't have to pay tax on something that didn't happen. She has had several buying attempts canceled and I bet paypal is just loving her to bits right now.

Ullja is not a victim here by any stretch of the imagination. Don't even think she is. In fact, I will leave you with a link to consumerist.com which is a "child" of parent company Consumer MEdia, LLC, the publisher of Consumer Reports, and ConsumerReports.org.. Happy reading-and be sure to check out the parody blog mentioned-it's a hoot.

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